5 features that makes android a better than IOS | Tech explain

We all are aware of the these two famous OS for our smart devices. Most probably you might reading this post in one of these devices. As most people doesn't know much about these but there are many differences in these two OS. Most of the IOS user are fan of this OS but this not the right way to judge their performance. At some points the IOS devices might attempt to be tempting against IOS but at some point you may figure out that it doen't matter how cool Apple looks but it doen't offer you many feature which android would.

Here I found some of the features that android offer but apple doesn't. Features that makes android a better choice for you.

File managment

File management system in android is much far ahead of IOS devices. As it offer easy direct file saving and moving in device. As of IOS doesn't offer much file management in the device although it offers moving of file in its memory but that too is more complicated with its complex UI. Its UI is also very inclusive to provide Cloud storage providers rather than looking through an app. Even storing some songs will also go on cloud storage that is also a positive point if you have a good net connection but this cloud storage is also limited

Third party apps

There are also many restriction in IOS which make it kimited to certain things. As android offer many third party apps to open your documents, emails, links, etc but that too in IOS is limited to its own apps like if you want to open some links it will always open in safari browser and if you want to listen music you have to completely on Apple music. There is no scope of third party developers in IOS. In android you may delete some of your built in apps or which we called bloat ware but in IOS there is no option to delete theses apps.


Notifications in android are much better arranged than in IOS. In android they are clearly grouped in different levels and if you are busy you an also snooze them with just one click. But in IOS you have to dive in to the notification section for understanding, there is no clear arrangement in the notification panel. IOS also includes the option for snoozing the notification as android but for this you have to spend some time in understanding their UI. Notifications in android are better arranged than in IOS and it also offer some shortcuts like settings and quick toggles which IOS doesn't

Google assistant v/s Siri

The google assistant is far ahead of the Siri in terms of the commands. This is one of the most important difference between these two devices. In he world of virtual assistant there is a large gap between google and siri. Even the googles assistant is two or more generations ahead as compared to siri. It will better understand the commands of the user

App drawer

We all know that there is no app drawer in IOS devices all the installed apps are shown in home screen. The IOS users will never understand the needs of this feature as they never understand its importance in devices. There was a time when app drawer is disappearing in the android phones. Chinese manufacturer starts introducing their skin on android which doesn't include app drawer, they are making a try to make the UI as of IOS but this feature is still popular in stock android smartphones

According to me these are the 5 features that makes android a better choice for smartphone. 
So according to you which of these devices is best in terms of usage, let me know this in comment section. let me know in the comment section if you want me to write a post on specific topic.

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